The Legacy of the Sunflower - Audiobook
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About me
In this life, my name is Mikuláš Štefan.
From early childhood, I had a deep, strong desire to help people in every way.
I knew about my ability to feel the same as the people around me.
At the same time, this ability was combined with the desire to help them in difficult moments, in difficult life situations, when something was bothering them on a physical, psychological, mental and emotional level.
Along with this ability came the gift of actually helping them, which I lovingly used for their benefit if I was allowed to.
In order to learn the limits of our help and traditional medical science, I graduated at:
CHARLES UNIVERSITY in Prague – where I graduated as a doctor at the Faculty of Paediatrics.
I worked as a doctor in the children’s department and continued with the 1st certification in pediatric medicine and then worked at the district children’s outpatient clinic. Even in medical practice, I felt and perceived in a specific person what and in what dosage I should prescribe.
Later, I completed the 2nd certification in pulmonary medicine, specializing in pneumophthizeology and lung disease in children and adults.

In personal life
In my personal life, in my private time, I also helped people with ancient medicine treatment if they were open to it and did not want to take pharmaceutical chemical drugs.
After many, many years of medical practice, I began to feel a contradiction and a dislike for chemicalizing people and helping them only with chemical and pharmaceutical means, so I opened a private practice in Vienna, where I helped people as I did at a tender age, i.e. primeval, ancient medicine. With medicine, which reveals the causes of diseases and life situations, cleans them and, if it is in accordance with the plan of the soul of that particular person, it also removes them. However, it will leave situations and experiences that the soul needs to experience.
I passed on my knowledge and experience to healers from all over the world at various medical conferences and international healing congresses.
After 15 years of activity in Vienna, where I carried out my mission on this Earth, I returned to Slovakia. In 2016 the Czech publishing house Maitrea published the book THE LEGACY OF THE SUNFLOWER. In 2017, this book was published in Slovak.
In this book, I summarized the experiences and main questions of patients from my office. Also answers to them and a detailed explanation of how the spiritual world and dimensions work and why diseases, cancers and similar illnesses occur.
My mission
In 2018, the second book The Sunflower for Every Day was published, which summarizes the most beautiful, deepest and most instructive ideas from the original book – The Legacy of the Sunflower.
The YouTube channel MUDr. Mikuláš Štefan – includes many lectures where I further talk about my experiences. With every incarnation on this Earth, I know what my mission is and I fulfill it.
Why are we doing this? There is too much darkness in this world, and especially on this planet Earth, and every person who suffers in any way is spreading and feeding the darkness.
In extremely difficult times for humanity, highly advanced souls with only one mission incarnate, and these are extremely difficult times for humanity. Their mission is to help, guide, show people the LIGHT and leave them to their free will whether they will serve the darkness or follow the LIGHT.
That is why I do it, that is my mission.
We bring LIGHT so that there is less suffering.
In place of the fight against darkness, we bring LIGHT.